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*~*ChAd MiChAeL MuRrAy*~*
The Original British CMM Fansite
Hope you all are lovin' the site! Show us we're doing a great job by emailing Jen at juicyjoobies@hotmail.comor why not sign the guestbook!
I know this website may not include some of the web's A class graphics, layouts and dot com domain but I decided not to go over the top as there are a number of awesome sites out there which are quite sophisticated, however I think newbies need a fansite which reveals all the information in a simple way. Plus, seeing as I don't really have time to constantly update this website just includes the major things happening.

Disagree with anything? wanna say your bit?? Well be my guest and please do! No matter how short or long it is, i'd be happy to hear your thoughts.

Just click this address to send me mail:

Copyright © 2002-2004 All Rights Reserved. "The Original British Fansite"® is a registered trademark of Jen. This site is in no way affiliated with The WB Television Network or Chad Michael Murray. This is merely a fansite.